New Lens
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Last year I spent the majority of basketball season using a 50mm 1.8 and a 35-70 2.8. While this combination worked ok, I knew there was a better choice for working in the dimly lit local gyms. As a small business it is always difficult making gear choices. I had been wanting another lens for my bag but budget constraints this time of year make purchases few and far between. Since I rarely used the 35-70 I decided to put it on Craigslist. Within an hour of posting, an email came in. We agreed to meet and off I went. The guy looked the lens over and seemed to like what he saw. He put it on his camera and went around the shop shooting with it for a few minutes. Settling back into his desk he asked why I wanted to get rid of it. I told him I wanted to get a new 85/1.8. He tinkered with my lens for a few more minutes and said he would be right back. I sat there a little confused until he reappeared with his camera bag. He opened his bag, pulled out a shiny 85/1.8, and offered it to me for examination. To my surprise he proposed a trade. I accepted and was off. The lens works great and we both came away a winner in the deal. Each of us got exactly the lens he wanted. So when you think you can't afford the lens you need to complete a job, be sure to check Craigslist. Yes, you can always rent a lens but I always hate doing that for a lens that isn't going to set me back more than $500 bucks. Just seems like wasted money. You wallet doesn't always have to suffer to get a new piece of gear.