NOTE - The clients WERE NOT charged for this product. They didn't even know we were doing anything like this. I wouldn't dare sell a new product/service without months of testing first.
Using the D300s that we rented we were able to capture the video you see below. We had tons of footage that had to be ditched due to various issues. It continues to be a big learning curve as we enter into the video world but I wanted to test the camera and workflow under real world conditions. The workflow didn't present any problems. Capturing great video proved to be a challenge but nothing that we can't overcome. The camera is great except for the auto focus in video mode. If you are use to working with DSLR as a still camera and then switch to video, be prepared for painfully slow auto focus. The camera uses a different type of auto focus for video. This forced us back to manual focus which took me a bit. I grew up on manual focus cameras but it had been a while since I used it. There is some add on gear to make life easier but I am still concerned about overloading the rig. It needs to function as both a still and video camera and be able to swap easily between the two to work for us at a wedding. The adventure continues....